Completed Book 12/16/21 - As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
I've heard about this book for a long time and for the life of me I cannot understand why it took me this long to read it. This book is literally 40 pages of intense fire knowledge every man should have in their collection.
It talks about keeping your thoughts clean and pure. Doing so will lead to a better life. Our lives go the way of our brains and we (men) are the gardener of our brains. One of the analogies that hit home for me was the comparison of working out to get strong and reading to train your brain to be strong. I can relate to that wholeheartedly.
On my own journey, it took me a while but I eventually found out that my brain goes the way of my body. If my body didn't feel great and I was out of shape...my brain felt similar. One of them things that made me wish I had known that a ot earlier in life. But better to have learned late than never learn at all.
One other part that resinated with me was the fact that a strong calm man shows strength and control at the same time and makes people feel safe and at ease. This is something I am constantly shooting for on my journey in life. If you want to understand your brain and how it affects your life...I promise you, this is one you should not put on the back burner anymore. Pick it up!
Here is the purchase link: https://www.amazon.com/As-man-Thinketh-Original-Wisdom/dp/B08W7DWHSS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2VZRM7Y7LT7M7&keywords=as+a+man+thinketh&qid=1641261134&s=books&sprefix=as+a+ma%2Cstripbooks%2C172&sr=1-1
It talks about keeping your thoughts clean and pure. Doing so will lead to a better life. Our lives go the way of our brains and we (men) are the gardener of our brains. One of the analogies that hit home for me was the comparison of working out to get strong and reading to train your brain to be strong. I can relate to that wholeheartedly.
On my own journey, it took me a while but I eventually found out that my brain goes the way of my body. If my body didn't feel great and I was out of shape...my brain felt similar. One of them things that made me wish I had known that a ot earlier in life. But better to have learned late than never learn at all.
One other part that resinated with me was the fact that a strong calm man shows strength and control at the same time and makes people feel safe and at ease. This is something I am constantly shooting for on my journey in life. If you want to understand your brain and how it affects your life...I promise you, this is one you should not put on the back burner anymore. Pick it up!
Here is the purchase link: https://www.amazon.com/As-man-Thinketh-Original-Wisdom/dp/B08W7DWHSS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2VZRM7Y7LT7M7&keywords=as+a+man+thinketh&qid=1641261134&s=books&sprefix=as+a+ma%2Cstripbooks%2C172&sr=1-1