90 Seconds of Inspiration - Proud Outlier
90 Seconds of Inspiration
This may be a little too deep for some of you guys but listen to me and listen close...
Hold on tight ok...listen
Right now, I'm praying for myself because I'm a man of faith, you guys know 4 years ago I gave myself to GOD and I been holding on tight especially during these last couple of years going into this 3rd year of what we're going through...
And if you are a man of faith and you are trying hard to hold onto the values the core that you were raised on and the beliefs that you were raised on and you're trying to make sure that your kids are raised the same way...I am praying for you as well...
Because you and I both know that the world is changing the world has changed and its changing even more...
And the things that are being pushed on us, the things that are being pushed on our children are things that totally violate everything that we stand for...
And what's happening is, when you take a stand and say, "I'm sorry, I know that's what you guys are pushing as the belief now...but that's not okay with me..." or "I know that you guys are pushing that this is the way things are, but that's not the way they are...and I will not stand for it..."
You're being looked at as an outcast, as an outlier...but I want to tell you, stay strong in your faith hold on tight to your bible and you will pull through this...
I love you guys God Bless
Please share this message with someone who needs to hear it...