ray’s blogs RSS
IDK to a Doer
IDK to a Doer. That was me…no lies. My answer to most things was “I don’t know”. It was the easier route for someone not looking to grow. Why try when I can hire someone? The problem with that is two things… One, that attitude starts to spread to most things in your life (and you end up never trying) And two, I never had the money to pay someone so things would just sit there. I jeopardized a lot in my life early on because I wasn’t a “Doer”. When I became a father I realized if I’m gonna...
Right Here
Right Here.I sat in my car the other day early in the morning.Had my cup of coffee and watched this man feed these birds with a smile on his face.I couldn’t help but snap this photo.After I took the photo, I sat there and thought to myself…”Right Here”I want this level of peace, Right Here.If whatever I got going on in my life is not going to lead me to this level of peace Right Here…I don’t want it.I don’t want a job that is not my passion that I look fwd to everyday.I don’t want friends who are not...
We often go through life wondering what our purpose is.-Some of us find out real quick what we were put here on God’s green earth to do.-Others (like myself), it takes a while.-I’ve tried to force so many things in my life I’ve lost count.-Then I heard someone say, “the thing you do with ease…the thing that takes you next to no effort; that’s your purpose…”-I love coaching & mentoring so much…probably more than most of you reading this know.-When I was at my lowest point in my life, it was kids that helped bring me back.-Mentoring and Coaching kids…-It...
Imagine a Life…
Imagine a life without love.-There could be no life lonelier.-I use to think the love I needed to be happy was from a woman.-I was strongly mistaken.-There isn’t a love I’ve found stronger than the one I have for my children.-A different love of course, but a love like no other for sure.-I wake up and go to sleep alone.- I have done that for nearly 8 years now.-It’s a journey I’ve put myself on, a difficult one.-But I’ve got guidance from my savior Jesus Christ.-I have everything I need and the patience for what I want.-I’m a constant work...
I got you
I got you.-It’s a game, but trust me…it’s hard.-If you watch your kids compete like I do, you see how much work they put in.-There are days he is banged up and bruised.-Some of those days require ice, some require heating pads; others require the massage gun.-And when none of those work, sometimes a simple hug to show him you love him regardless of the outcome.-My son’s a catcher, they take a beating…he’s relied upon heavy…but he would have it no other way.-My job when I’m not coaching is, DAD.-Just be Dad and fill in the blanks as he needs...
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