I got you
I got you.
It’s a game, but trust me…it’s hard.
If you watch your kids compete like I do, you see how much work they put in.
There are days he is banged up and bruised.
Some of those days require ice, some require heating pads; others require the massage gun.
And when none of those work, sometimes a simple hug to show him you love him regardless of the outcome.
My son’s a catcher, they take a beating…he’s relied upon heavy…but he would have it no other way.
My job when I’m not coaching is, DAD.
Just be Dad and fill in the blanks as he needs you.
That’s what I did this weekend.
I love you son and I’m proud of you.
It’s a game, but trust me…it’s hard.
If you watch your kids compete like I do, you see how much work they put in.
There are days he is banged up and bruised.
Some of those days require ice, some require heating pads; others require the massage gun.
And when none of those work, sometimes a simple hug to show him you love him regardless of the outcome.
My son’s a catcher, they take a beating…he’s relied upon heavy…but he would have it no other way.
My job when I’m not coaching is, DAD.
Just be Dad and fill in the blanks as he needs you.
That’s what I did this weekend.
I love you son and I’m proud of you.