Help Send The Molina Boys to Missouri for Baseball!
We’re working on getting the Molina Boys and their Travel Baseball Team to Branson, MO next year for a tournament. Like you know these things cost money…more than most as travel and housing accommodations are needed not only for the kids but us parents as well. These kids have worked hard. I’m sure you’ve seen them in the gym, training, outdoors training…all of this is in preparation for opportunities like this. The capper? They’ve worked just as hard in school hitting the books and are honor roll students as well. We’d love to reward the boys with such a great opportunity. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the link: it will also be in my IG and TikTok Profile.
If you prefer an alternate way of donating, here is my Venmo: @itsraymolina (please make sure to leave a note what the donation is for)
Any questions, please feel free to DM or Message me back. Thank you so much for all of your help.
The Molina Boys ⚾️❤️🇺🇸