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2 years to build a stronger me...
I promised I’d never return until they dropped the mask mandate.-Cancelled my membership and walked away for two years.-Tonight (3/19) that all changed…man did it feel strange walking back in there tonight.-I missed it. I missed the sauna so much…did 25 minutes in the sauna alone and I needed every minute of it.-The last time I was here, I was damn near homeless and had no shower so I needed the gym. When they took it from me, I went into survival mode.-Gave it all to GOD, learned about 75HARD and taught myself to be mentally & physically strong also,...
Before you complain...
Good Afternoon-Let's keep this one simple and to the point today...here it is...-"If you have a lot on your plate with regards to responsibilities...be thankful, you've been blessed to be a leader."- I needed to hear this myself because I was close to complaining about my work load and how I don't have enough time in my day. What I was really saying was, I needed to schedule my days much more precise to get it all done.-Anyway, as always...I love you guys and have blessed day, God Bless.
Sometimes the answer is...Just Go...just do it, figure it out later...
90 Seconds of Inspiration-You know, sometimes you just gotta say..."I don't have all the answers"-"I don't know how things are gonna work out..."-"I don't know...but I'm gonna do this anyway...I'm gonna move fwd..."-"I'm gonna try this, I'm gonna go here, I'm gonna go do this thing that I have no idea how it's gonna work out..."-Sometimes you have to get to that point in your life...-Where everything that you've been doing just, is mundane, it's boring...it is not who you want to be anymore...-I sat back for so many years and I didn't do things because I've never done them before...-or...
Your glass house...
90 Seconds of InspirationLet's try something...(knocking on glass)-That's glass, you live in one of those?-You live in a glass house?-If you're saying no, you're a damn lie...hear me out...-There's been a lot of stuff going on with cancel culture over the last couple of weeks right?-Everybody tryna cancel somebody because they don't like what somebody said 10, 11, 15, 20, 25 years ago...-They don't wanna give people the opportunity to apologize for the person that they used to be.-They wanna hold them accountable for something that they did when they were dumb and ignorant.- If you find yourself doing that, you...
Even when you're down, take pride...
Be thankful for what you have-Take pride in the things that you have, okay...-Listen to what I am about to tell you-We live in a time right now (and I know you all see it if you're on social media, you're watching this right now, or you're listening or reading it)-We live in a time where people love to flaunt, they love to flaunt their money, their jewels, all the rich things that they have...they love it-Now don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of winners-I love to see people win, I love to see people who busted their ass...
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- ray’s blogs