Ray's Blogs RSS

ray’s blogs -

Right Here.I sat in my car the other day early in the morning.Had my cup of coffee and watched this man feed these birds with a smile on his face.I couldn’t help but snap this photo.After I took the photo, I sat there and thought to myself…”Right Here”I want this level of peace, Right Here.If whatever I got going on in my life is not going to lead me to this level of peace Right Here…I don’t want it.I don’t want a job that is not my passion that I look fwd to everyday.I don’t want friends who are not...

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ray’s blogs -

We often go through life wondering what our purpose is.-Some of us find out real quick what we were put here on God’s green earth to do.-Others (like myself), it takes a while.-I’ve tried to force so many things in my life I’ve lost count.-Then I heard someone say, “the thing you do with ease…the thing that takes you next to no effort; that’s your purpose…”-I love coaching & mentoring so much…probably more than most of you reading this know.-When I was at my lowest point in my life, it was kids that helped bring me back.-Mentoring and Coaching kids…-It...

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ray’s blogs -

Imagine a life without love.-There could be no life lonelier.-I use to think the love I needed to be happy was from a woman.-I was strongly mistaken.-There isn’t a love I’ve found stronger than the one I have for my children.-A different love of course, but a love like no other for sure.-I wake up and go to sleep alone.- I have done that for nearly 8 years now.-It’s a journey I’ve put myself on, a difficult one.-But I’ve got guidance from my savior Jesus Christ.-I have everything I need and the patience for what I want.-I’m a constant work...

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ray’s blogs -

I got you.-It’s a game, but trust me…it’s hard.-If you watch your kids compete like I do, you see how much work they put in.-There are days he is banged up and bruised.-Some of those days require ice, some require heating pads; others require the massage gun.-And when none of those work, sometimes a simple hug to show him you love him regardless of the outcome.-My son’s a catcher, they take a beating…he’s relied upon heavy…but he would have it no other way.-My job when I’m not coaching is, DAD.-Just be Dad and fill in the blanks as he needs...

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ray’s blogs -

Love the game they say…(yea I’ve said it too)-But, I love you more to be truthful-My sons, one day you’ll know that behind closed doors there are battles I’m fighting daily-All for the game we love-But even more so, to keep you in the best position possible to be successful-Not just in the game but academically as well…-There’s a side to me you’ve never really seen, and for good reason-I’ve had to learn to use my brain and mouthpiece so I can move around in rooms that aren’t so welcoming to men like myself-It’s hard, there are days I come...

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